Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I Can't Sleep....*grumblegrumble*

And so the week of insomnia continues. Happily, tonight I am kept up by the excitement for tomorrow and not the dread of it. I'm full of all those racing thoughts that just won't let you sleep, no matter how pocked and saggy your skin, how tired your muscles, how headache-y your brain. Ah, I live for these nights.

I'm feeling...benign? Maybe mild; says I'm feeling "downright neighborly" (glory, I love that site). Calm is certainly there. I've felt more calm today than I have (on a weekday) for a while. At least a couple weeks. Strange how that works. I am also listening to Two-Star Symphony, this awesome quartet from Houston, TX that has a strong flavor of Russia - to ignorant, ol' me at least. They are so cool I feel the need to promote them.

Nifty Tex-Russian musica aside, I am also looking up all the bookstores in the greater Tri-Cities area. I've decided that being eighteen and out of school two months earlier will make job-hunting far more attractive than it was in high school, and since I'll be relatively early, I can be choosy. At least at first. Then, when no one hires me, I'll settle for frying spuds for the King (Kimberly Ann, we still haven't played that game *pointed look*).

Hmmmmmm, let's see.....other than that I may be going up to Boise this weekend. Mi madre y padre will be there and I really want to go. I'm trying to resign myself to the fact that I may not, but I want to cheat my last stretch of Spartan existence and recharge with the fam. I want to ask Dad for a blessing and Mum for hair dyeing tips and make Willy unlock my phone (and check out his relationship w/ Jess) and so forth. Then I can come home and suck it up for a couple more weeks. Happily, in fact.

Well, that'd be grand, but who knows. I do know that tomorrow's gonna suck it up if I don't go to sleep soon (though it's pretty much already gonna suck - I have to get up in 3 hours). Bleh.

PS Here's a site where you can listen (and even download - ooerg!) Two-Star Symphony. "Something She Said" is my favorite so far.


Branden said...

Tia I flippen loves you like crazy. I miss you. That is about all I can say to you. I want to have you by my side, to hold my hand when things get a bit rough. *holds hand out*

Caitlan said...

Yeah you thought your day would be bad- until Phillippe started dancing and Michael started singing ;)