Saturday, January 15, 2005

"It appears your film's, uh, been interrupted...because you're a maggot."

La...lalalalaLA...lalalalaLAAAA! Lalalalala....lalalalala....lalalalala..NININININIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!

Oh, those almost angelical bunnies...their ethereal chords striking oneself in such a manner as to produce the purest form of joy that has been felt. So untouched and unsullied...such lyircal wonders could hardly be copied let alone rendered beauteous by any other performer.

Whoa! My brain just totally turned on and it is not even during the school week. Holy! It's so unreliable! It just goes on automatic, ignores me when I need it, and whirs up when I'm trying to relax. Nrgh....

So, if you want to know about my day, read Renny's blog, pretty much. It was good fun, especially the walk to Krissy's house, where we stopped at several different places on the way to warm our frozen bodies. RedRum!

The rest of today consisted of laying around with Squid-Child, watching random things on the internet, ("I am alone...and you are a maggot!") and not cooking my banana bread enough, so that the middle was doughy (I still ate it (Mandy made me put choco chips in it, which really just made it into cookie bread, but whatever)). It was jolly good fun. And now I am sitting at the puter with my blanket wrapped tightly around me, listening to Queen, playing Hexic, and trying to write this blog, which is harder than you'd think, considering the distracting voices in my head, quoting random movies and stupid internet videos....Wendy, give me the bat...

In any case, life is swell, though my Spanish presentation still isn't done. *guilty look* Poor Ashley...I'm such a frustrating partner. And my hair is clean! Which is random, yet good, cause I'll tell ya, it was getting pretty freaky there...........

............................*awkward silence*.................................

O...k....we'll not discuss that here. Instead we will close with a bunch of random statements that will make no sense to almost anyone and will not be appreciated by them either, but I must use in order to keep up the appearance of insanity....whatever.

She keeps some Moet and Chandon, in a pretty cabinet.
"Let them eat cake." she says, just like Marie Antoinette!!!
A built in remedy for Kruchnov and Kennedy.
At anytime, an invitation you can decline...

Caviar and cigarettes, well versed in ettiquette
Extraordinarily NICE!
She's a killer...queEENN!!!
Gun powder, gelotine,
Dynamite with a laser beam!
Guaranteed to blow your mind!

To avoid complications, she never kept the same address,
In conversation, she spoke just like a baroness...
Met a man from China, went down to Geisha Minuh.
Then again, incidentally, she was that way inclined....

Perfume came naturally from Paris,
Because she couldn't care less....
Prestigious and Precise!

Wanna try?

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

"WHOA! The red crayon I licked this morning is still in my pocket!"

*mad giggling by Ren*

Whoa, that lasted like 111 minutes....or, I never thought such noises could come out of somebody. But Renny proved me wrong. I shall never be surprised again. NEVER!

"Random Mad Sputterings by Ren! 111 minutes of pure unforced sounds, naturally caused by the purest idiotical random wittiscms by such famed randomositers as Katy, Kim, and the sweet blatherings of Tia. Nothing will prepare you for these pure, unadulterated noises. You might expect to pay $39.99 for this fabulous collection, but NO! With us you can pay 3 easy installments of $119.95! And if you call and order now, you can also recieve "Peace of Mind" for only 34.95! (call now, at 801-867-5309)"

"Schoolgirl on Being Hot and How to Talk to Girls....."

Next time a frog leaps for your throat, just stick your hand up, channel that attitude, and say, "Oh, no you di'n't!!"

"Boogidy! Boogidy! I'll scare your dad!"


"I like the guys..."

Monday, January 10, 2005



I have nothing to say. I should be researching and translating things for Spanish, or at least attempting to study for the-heinous-test-in-that-class-which-shall-not-be-*cough*.....buuuuutttt........I'm not. Instead I am digesting large amounts of what appears to be a fat gellous substance with pure sugar injected through the outer layer. Wow. Fat can't even begin to describe how I feel.

So.......I think tomorrow I'll go sledding and maybe I'll drag my/Mandy's Matt with me. I feel bad because I didn't have a snowball fight with him. I'm ticked that I didn't drag him a long with me to Mandy's house. We would have had a better chance with him on our side!


Ugh. I feel the chocolate alright.

WHOA! THERE'S PEOPLE OUT THERE! I'll see if they want to run away with me.....

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Greetings from Boise.

Hey, sweets! I am just apologizing for not keeping all the plans that I made. Like going to the dance. I'm sorry, but it's a little hard to go to a dance in Kennewick when you are in a completely different state. yes, I am in Boise. It was an abrupt thing. Literally. I was in the dressing room at JCPenney's when my mom opens the door and says, we're going to Boise.

So just like that, we go. And it was a long and interesting thing, I'll tell ya.

So, Happy New Years. I love you all!