Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hong Kong Garden

You know what has a great soundtrack? Marie Antoinette. You know what's a gorgeous movie? Marie Antoinette. You what I've seen three times in the last two days? Marie Antoinette.

I love Kirsten Dunst. She really is such a great actress - I love the zest for life that she brings out in Marie Antoinette's character. Even better, she doesn't play the same person every time. She actually changes acting style and mood for each film. She can't be typecast.

Well, off that vein. Now onto the only other thing I do (besides watch 'Marie Antoinette') - work. I've discovered some less than pleasant aspects of adults in my last couple of weeks working at the clinic. One being that they're basically teenagers who've just learned to suppress everything good about being young.

Of courses that's an exaggeration, but it does fit my feelings about certain doctors I work with. I've learned through not-at-all-subtle hints that one of my doctors basically hates the other. He accuses him of stealing, criticizes his patient relations, gets ticked if he leaves a cover off a piece of equipment, etc. But he doesn't tell any of this to him - he tells it to me. Me!.....gossipy wench...

And what's even worse, I get along with said-accused doctor. It's a type of ease we'd never have had if we were the same age, but since I'm half his age, we can be perfectly comfortable teasing each other. But the point is, since I'm so friendly with hated-doctor (sorry, I don't want to use names - Kym might know these guys and I don't want to be gossipy. I just want to rant) and hating-doctor hired me, he looks at me like I've betrayed him sometimes! And he keeps checking to make sure I don't favor the other doctor when I schedule appointments. It's to the point where I don't even want to schedule anyone for hated-doctor in front of hating-doctor. Hideous.

Bleh. That said, I do rather enjoy my job (though not more than I enjoy getting off and coming home). I have learned something, even if it paints me as a selfish b - I could never keep a steady office job. Not if I only had myself to feed - I'd hate it. If I do happen to live alone for any period of time, supporting myself, I'm going to do random, interesting jobs that you've never heard of. Or at least something that's outdoors. Maybe I will just fly away to Greece and lead tourists on Burfel hunts around Naxos.

Dang, I hate being responsible. I know I sound immature and whiney, but it really does feel like it's tying you down. Like you can't really experience this world when you're stuck keeping a house/car/etc. Maybe I should just run amok across the world, get it out of my system. Heaven knows this is probably my last chance.

Mere. Bleh.

PS The title is one of the songs on the soundtrack - supreme. Fabuloso. Bellemisimo. Etceterasio.

PPS Oh, so one funny thing that happened at work (besides talking with this guy named Angel in very sad Spanish (don't look Sra. Janke, just don't)) today was I got insulted by an automated insurance menu. I was calling up to verify as usual and I got an automated program that used vocal cues instead of a regular, ol' button mashing one. Clue: I hate these. They always wig out if they hear a noise in the background and people stare at me when I'm talking to one because I'm being very articulate.

Anyways, so I'm talking to this carbon-copy of a human being, and it's the end of the day, and it's not taking me anywhere I want to go. So, I start whining at it and moaning the option I want. And it keeps saying "Dental? Yes?" "Associates? Yes?" "Medical? Yes?" and all I freaking want is Vision! Yes! So finally I start singing the words to it, messing with the inflections because by now I'm just trying to eke some sort of pleasure from this phone call, and it goes "Mental Health? Yes?"

Well, at that I burst out laughing and promptly hung up on that insulting b-word. Then I hummed away happily as I messed with all of hating-doctor's files. *grin* J/k.