Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Ragings of the Insomniac

Oh. My. Gosh.

I was just laying in bed, having finally made it under the covers, when all of a sudden twenty million thoughts started racing through my head. Here's a quick preview: curly hair, Sam, Jen Mag, Bio midterm, elf makeup, Valentines Day, Arizona, treating myself, Sam, my entire wardrobe, the tumbling gym, Las Vegas, my journal, ohmygosh do I have insomnia?, crazy procrastinator, picking, fasting, my waistline, my hair, my desire for a boy (not even a man, for heaven's sake), the sleep I'm not getting, and on, and on, and on. Basically, I'm going insane.

I can't sleep. And it's horrible. I have not been able to fall asleep before 2 AM the past week. Now, part of it is the fact that I sleep in till at least 10 and don't go to bed when I'm tired at 11. But, seriously, I feel so physically dead and mentally jazzed at the same time, and it's driving me insane. Insane!

It's so funny, because I used to not go to bed because I didn't want tomorrow to come, and now I can't sleep because I'm so anxious for it. Honestly, isn't there some sort of a compromise? Can I not have just 5 hours? Please, all that is good and true and just and holy, please???

*sigh* I know that last request isn't legit - I've hardly done my part to earn those measly bits of sleep. But I'm just so dang tired....I wish I could just conk out right here, on my keyboard. *sigh* Alas, twill not be so.


1 comment:

Kim said...

Poo? Oh, you're marvelous.