Thursday, February 14, 2008


Sooooooo, if we didn't know it already, I've determined that Tia's evil twin comes out at night. Usually after 1. She's seductive and know what she wants and, dang, she can get it. Like, if Sam were with me right now, I could march up to him and just take him. I am utterly convinced that in this mood, he'd have no chance *evil laughter*.

I saw Sam tonight. I wasn't quite to the point of 'no return' (that's basically what it is), but I was still revved up from my previous burst of confidence and I pulled another bit of smooth Tia bonding. I think I'll just work it until he's comfortable with me, and then I'll pounce! He'll be so thrown off, he won't be able to do anything but take it *more evil laughter*.

Well, curfew chased him off, but I stayed around (we were all in my neighbor's apartment) and we all had a good boy/kissing/hugging/Tia's *ahem* kinkiness talk. It was quite fab, won't lie. But the result of it was this mood and my realization that Kym is right. Kimmy wants a husband; I want a boy toy.

Now, that isn't exactly the most flattering thing - it doesn't say much for my reputation - but it's true. And it's not necessarily sexual (though I do miss cuddling like nothing else). I've realized that I just don't want anything from a guy now but his sheer existence in my life. And thinking back to my brief, fling-y relationship with Matt, it was the same deal. I just wanted that, well, fun that comes with having a boy. A boy toy.

*sigh* Well, we'll see what happens. I've decided that I'm going to get Sam to ask me out within a month - just a date, nothing serious. Amidst all these scandaloso thoughts, I have realized the consequences of seducing a premie. Fear not, I'd rather not face God's wrath by diverting one of His missionaries from His chosen path. In the end, Santa Tia has control over Scandalosa Tia. Mostly.

*wicked grin*


Caitlan said...

Haha Tia you are out of control. This was funny though- and I'm with you- I need a little somethin' somethin' :)

Midori Ko said...

Thank you. It's just a fact, a girl's got needs *grin*.

Kim said...

I think your biggest need right now, Tia darlin', is SLEEP. Although I assume you got some last night, since you didn't post some bizarre blog.

Have fun in Arizona! Don't die!

Branden said...

WOW. . . I misses the Tia more then the Tia will know. . . I can't wait to see you again. . . hahahaha. . . Yup yup and I AM TOTALLY in your boat right now. . . I have loads to tell you all. . .you should reads the blog. . . that I might or not write tonight.