Monday, February 18, 2008

Blood-letting and AZ-Town

I am now sitting in the D4 terminal of the Phoenix, AZ airport (don't actually know the name) waiting for my flight. Which is delayed. So instead of eagerly rushing back to all of you *cough* darling people, I am pouring out my personal life on this very public access internet. And I am wondering if the rather attractive guy to my right is reading what I type. If so, tres amusant.

Anyways, my weekend was fabulous. I ate much good food (best curry ever), watched many movies which I'd already seen before, climbed many large, very red (yes!) rocks, and played with meine tres awesome sissy. And, no, I am not too old to say sissy - shut your face.

But, point is, it was wonderful and I thoroughly ignored my phone and I am now listening to Meatloaf, like a good little girl, and I am just sighing away my life right about now. Because I don't want to go back. I was just talking to Branden and I was saying how I wouldn't have minded the SLC airport facing a disastrous blizzard or, you know, a comet and I could stay in AZ for another day! Or, like, forever!

Alas, I know that this would be bad (haha, hot guy left - maybe he finally saw himself on my screen *wicked grin*). And Kym might very well hyperventilate (please hyperventilate if I ever
leave you without a moment's notice. Please??) if I don't show up ever again, so I mun come back. Ah, well...twas a short but beautiful dream.

Ew. And I just realized I smell - maybe that's why he left. *despondent sigh*Will anyone ever except me and my pungent ways? PS, I swear I showered today, but 'airport' is just not very conducive to freshness, and airport in Arizona is just plain bad for the health - even at 10 PM in February. Trust me.

Well, I feel like not only am I wasting the lives of all those truants who might be reading this, but your's too, amigos queridos. Thus I will retire - ish. Which means that I'm bored writing and now I'm going to watch Scrubs. Luvs! *grin*

PS Forget the title - I just named an folder in my pictures that and I liked it so much I wanted the public to see.

1 comment:

Caitlan said...

And I was so excited to read about blood. You need to come back- for Kim and for me! I need a running buddy. I went by myself today and it just wasn't the same. Glad your trip was fun!!