Thursday, February 21, 2008

One of these things is not like the other one....

Hahahahahahahahahaha! I love myself....

And, by the way, I'm going to see Cloverfield this Friday with Sarah....and Sam *slow smile*.


Branden said...

You sneaky little devil. . I love how you show knives and say that you are going to a movie with the boy you are lusting over and NO ONE IS SCARED ABOUT IT. . . because after all only you would get away with something like that. . LOVES!!!

Midori Ko said...

I know, I know. But let me ask you a question, B: Do you only see knives?

Kim said...

Ooh... Tia, that was sneaky! It was hard to spot that.

So... is Cloverfield a movie? And who's Sarah? Do I know her? And... how did this all happen?!?!

Marry Sam. Please. So that then when he and you and me and Mike get together for dinner and our kids play in the living room together, I can tell Sam all the crazy things you did to get him to fall in love with you. *grin*

Kim said...

Wow. Branden used the phrase "lusting over"... oh my gosh, I totally thought Caitlan wrote that whole comment. It's very cohesive and intelligent and draws out the irony between Tia's picture and her words...

Branden! College is rubbing off on you!

Branden said...

Yeah all I see is knives. . . should I see more?

Midori Ko said...

Dearheart - one of those is my Darth Vader Pez man. *bursts out laughing* So awesome.....

Kim said...

GAH! You're kidding! All I saw were the scissors. >.<

Caitlan said...

Hahah anything involving knives and Darth Vader is going to be fun. :)

Branden said...

Hahaha. . OHHH. . . wow. . .I didn't even see the sissors!!! I am blind!!!