Monday, March 07, 2005

Tar and feather me already! Get it over with!

Ok, so I was gone. NO, I did not fake being sick! I would'e only gotten 3.5 hours of sleep last night, if I had gone to la escuela. I got a migraine from being on the computer too long and staying up to do my English, hence I did not fall asleep till 2 AM. Not pretty.

So......I bartered a few extra hours of sleep for a day of slavitude in mi madre's service, which was why I was at Wal-Mart. Consequently looking at eyeliner. But hey! If I was going to be forced to be there, I might as well. And believe me, I hadn't wanted to go.

This may not seem like typical sickie behaviour, but my mother does not believe in sickie's getting rest because they are incapacitated. She believes that it is a fair trade off to make them work and do errands and such. Like going to Costco and lugging all the supersized, jumbo hot pockets and granola bars into the cart. Which I did. But I got a huge chocolate muffin in the bargain, so I'm not complaining.

Ah well, now I am off to do all the homework that I missed hoy. Ah, what a shame. And I hear that there is a supposed Chem test tomorrow? Ah, I shall definitely not be doing that! MUWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Au revoir!

-Midori Ko

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