Wednesday, March 09, 2005

*giggles and wiggles little cute butt like a strange anime schoolgirl*

*squeals and wiggles cute anime butt more*

I'm SORRY! Okay! Gosh! I can't help it! But that perfectly describes what mood I'm in!! So get over it!

: D

I'm sorry! But I'm in the weirdest, happyhappyjoyjoyhappyhappyjoyjoy mood ever! And I can't tell you why!

So, for now I shall simply say that I got Mandy grounded from now until forever and kingdom come (or at least until her 16th b-day), and "The Big Country" happens to be the greatest song ever! Totally inspirational!

Wow. I just read my last sentence and realized how sad and superficial I am that I can follow up an announcement like that with a comment like that! Which shows you what kind of mood I'm in!

Ok, this is just a spazzy, nonsense post, and I'm just going to post it! So nrgh!



zhsy00001 said...

Wow, I thought I had incoherent posts. =] Hey, if it is fun, it is fun.


mandy said...

*giggles* yeah, just try to shake your 'behind' white girl, while i shake my bootey... with the a sound on the end... grounded till kingdom come? hmmm, i dunno, i think that its just till she forgets that she sentanced me at all... she didnt really seem that mad, just vaguely annoyed. Actually, it was kinda scary, it was like she was glad id gone off and done soemthing stupid to prove some point or the other that she was trying to make to my dad... or at least i got that feeling... i am super tweaked about tryouts tomorrow, so i think ill just wander off and drink some more tomatoe juice and think about doing all those math assignments i need to do... *exaggerated sigh* wait, changed mind about thinking about homework... ill go call josh and make him call you! *grins*