Monday, October 06, 2008

So I Need to Be Canadian, Eh?

I keep wondering if I should start writing on more practical matters in my blog. I come across so many interesting blogs when I'm looking up stuff, just random people throughout the universe blogging away their lives. They all seem to make their blogs strangely informative and useful, whereas I just blather on and on about myself since no one can tell me to shut up. I don't know the age to someone's favorite, obscure band member, I don't have that awesome painting by that random Arabic-Seattlite (though based on my frantic searchings, no one else does either), and I can't tell you how to make kimchi or rice balls or what fashion faux pas Cory Kennedy has dove into lately. My blog has no meaning!

So, after a good five minutes of thought, I've concocted a general stereotype for these blog.Masters. Here is a summary of my thoughts:

Strangely enough, the blogverse contains a large amount of Canadians. They're from all over the Great Maple Leaf (man, what a sad nickname) but their parents are never actually from Canada. Still, they're very proud to raise a hand to the good ol' red and white. Hm. Step 1 to Becoming a blog.Master: Become Canadian.

So, these Canadians (eh?) are generally around their mid-twenties and all seem to have some sort of food fetish - be it baking or eating out, they always take pictures of their food (do they not feed you in Canada!?!). They also love awesome things like languages, books, and Asian pop culture. Minus the food-pics bit, I'm basically one of them. Oh, and being Canadian.

Not that in their blogs they're ever actually in Canada. They always seem to travel, visiting wickedly awesome places like France, UAE, Korea, Hong Kong, etc, etc. Then they write about how they've been skiing in the desert or eaten live octupus. Step 2 to Becoming a Great Blogger: Eat an octopus ALIVE!!!! *lightening flashes*

To sum up (because I have to go to class now), I guess what I have to do to attract large amount of blog-stalkers is: 1. start taking pictures of what I gustate 2. travel to absurdly cool places 3. eat live sea creatures and 4. emigrate to Canadia (yes, Canadia - do you have a problem with that?). Then and only then can I call myself a true Blog.Master. She bangs.


Kim said...

As to you apparently not taking pictures of what you eat--I beg to differ. Refer to


Midori Ko said...

Curses! You caught me! We are virtually one and the same!

Caitlan said...

Yeah I feel you on making your blog more informative. It seems like the blogs that put mine to shame are always about political things or topics that actually have relevance... my last post was about a couch. I don't know. Good luck eating something that's alive- i don't know how I feel about something twitching as I eat it.