Thursday, July 14, 2005

Yo speiken le espanol!

So, y'all (aka Kym), how many of you (aka Kym) can read the Book of Mormon in Spanish? Huh? HUH?

Yeah, eat it! I've finally started reading it in Spanish again, which I tried to do last summer and gave up dismally, but I now can read it practically all on my own! I barely needed the English version! I'd check what I thought I read, and be right! It was so cool and I was so psyched that I read for almost an hour, which comes out to 2 chapters. Pitiful sounding, but good! Yeah, "Y sucedio......" "...por tanto...." "Y ascencia....." all the key phrases are there! Woot!

Also, I have realized that pain killers are VERY nice when it comes to yoga. I was doing it last night, before I went to bed, and I was really stretching! I was so proud, figuring I must just be having a good day. But then I noticed, while I was doing the hurdle stretch, that I was resting my head on my knee! Ok, recap, I can only put my head on my knee for one breath, on my right leg, and that with much effort. But last night, I did it without even thinking! I kept raising my head and putting it back down, and eventually left it there for 14 breaths and I could have gone longer if I wasn't so shocked!!!! I could even rest it on my left knee for a while! It was really cool, but kind of freaking me out, till I realized that it must have been my pain killers! And then I got all panicked, cause I didn't want to hurt myself unknowingly, so I haven't done anymore. It was still pretty cool.

Ok, enough of my blabbering, here's the website you need to see me almost passing out half-in my bathroom. I think I look rather attractive, in that drunken-looking way..... :D


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