Wednesday, July 06, 2005

NEVER run with wet socks.....NEVER!!!!!!

Ok, Tia has just realized that she is a bit lacking in the human necesity called "common sense" this morning. You'd think I'd get it earlier, oh after I stuck my fingers in the lawn mower.....or maybe when I tried to make a milkshake with no top on the blender.....or even MAYBE when I started cleaning out the electrical socket with a wet rag......but NO!!!! It hasn't hit me that I probably won't live to be older than two decades at the rate I'm going, until this morning, when I went wet socks.

Ok, I mean seriously, I went on the trek so I should know that wet cloth rubbing right against your body is not good. And as I contemplated the wet socks that I pulled out of the washer at 7 AM (the ungodly hour by which Kym had already written a blog), I had an inkling that it probably wasn't a good idea to wear them. But since I couldn't figure out why, I just put them on and off I ran. All the way to Albertsons.......where I promptly asked for a bandaid. And just as promptly, walked home. ALL the way home.

Of course, I unwittingly saved myself from further humiliation when I didn't go to the midnight Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince party at Barnes and Nobles last night. You wonder, "I didn't know there was a midnight Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince party at Barnes and Noble last night..." Well, that's because thfere wasn't!!!! I thought Harry Potter was coming out today, when in all actuality, it is coming out on the 16th of July, not the 6th. So, at least I didn't show up at Barnes and Nobles at midnight, demanding where all the psychotic Harry Potter fanboys in their little costumes were.

And that was my day/night so far. I still have to go mow the lawn (hopefully soon because I haven't showered yet from my run/walk and I'm starting to stink) and break all child labor laws para mi madre. Luvers to all!


1 comment:

Midori Ko said...

Yeah, well, shut up! It's not like I was THINKING that early in the morning! Besides, I did know that. I just temporarily forgot. After all, I went on the trek, and anyone who's been on one of those knows.