Friday, April 04, 2008

Because Caitlan Reminded Me (Whether She Realized It or Not)

I decided a while back that I ought to put up some of the things my teacher's say that I deem valuable enough to actually write down.....and I forgot about it until I saw Caitlan's post about her crazy HMFD teacher(s). So, here's to the beautiful people who teach me!

"It looked like Walt Disney threw up on it!" (describing a particularly colorful fungi)

"There's this one where it looks like someone took an egg beater and stuck it in its face and said, ' Look! It's a bat!'" (describing a particularly ugly bat)

"Throw those peas away and eat your candy!"

"We live in an arctic, godforsaken part of the planet. Oh, excuse me - 'This is the place.'" (too funny - will explain to non-Mormons later *grin*)

"Water is bad. We call that 'drowning'."

"Learn logarithms or die!"

"Now notice that we are - this is going to sound spiritual almost - we babies." (I don't even remember, but his expression was priceless...)

"You are like diamonds and you are babies."

"We are not promiscuous like sunflowers."

"Cinco! My pet toad!" (we were talking about mutation that day - guess why he was named Cinco *grin*)

"And you can guess what we named the other one..."
(class) "Cuatro!!"

"Then we steal their babies and eat them." (<------- Do you see where I get it from!?!?!)

Those all were, if you couldn't tell, from my mad-scientist Bio professor, Dr. Nelson. No, seriously, he looks like Christopher Lloyd from "Back to the Future".

And these next few are from that wonderful man who teaches my film class - I can only remember his first name. Tom. They're way funnier when you know how he acts.

"It's like they want to tie the poem to a chair with rope and torture a confession out of it!"

"Jerry Springer is Satan." (He was joking. I think.)

"'Cause then we'd have flying horses, and then my analogy would fall apart."

"Ego is crack for the soul."

"You look awfully disappointed being the father of a blind boy - do you wish he'd fall off a cliff? Look! They're breaking through the blast doors!" (Tom talking about crappy sound directors in movies - using dialogue as cues to the audience, instead of having cinematic elements, like sound, do it.)

1 comment:

Caitlan said...

And people wonder today's kids are so crazy... haha these were pretty funny though. So random.